Thursday, July 16, 2015

Exam 2

Identify the nature of proof in Frank's monologue, siting evidence he used in Charlie's defense. 15 Points
Logos, Pathos and Ethos are all represented in Frank's monologue. I will illustrate that below.

Logos applies to reason. It is factual information as well as logic. Frank "warms up" by stating that it is wrong for the boy that decided to stay and face the consequences to be in such trouble, and for the boys who ran like cowards to not suffer any consequence. This is a logical statement and the direction of the court’s ruling seems unfair to the viewer after Frank points this out. Next he uses pathos which applies to emotions. Often times creating a "sympathy" effect. He does this by stating to the audience that someone offered to buy Charlie’s soul.  Lastly ethos is used. Ethos is appeal to ethics. Frank shows his audience that he is creditable and has a good character by talking about himself, who he once used to be, and referring to the things he has seen.

Of the four styles of dramatic or vicarious proof, which did Frank exploit to turn attitudes around about Charlie? How did this style function in terms of reason? 25 Points

Frank gave his testimony of Charlie by saying he has, "seen boys like these...their legs ripped off"...and then he says there is nothing like the sight of an amputated spirit. This statement in his testimony is very powerful and has the ability to sway the decisions of the court because it appeals to their emotions.

What cultural myths or images were employed to increase the appeal of Frank's argument? How did this influence his attempted shift of opinion? 20 Points

The cultural myth that best fits this situation for me was the value of a challenge. I appreciated the way Frank illustrated Charlie having the bravery to stay and face the consequences of what they had done as opposed to running like his piers did. This was very powerful for me. It showed that there should be a reward for people who are willing to stick out a challenge and not just take the easy way out.

Which of Reich's parables apply or applies to Frank's reasoning? 5 Points

The triumphant Individual best fits for Franks Reasoning because Charlie took a risk and did the honorable thing. He believed in himself and did the right thing, though he knew it would be the tougher route. In the end, I am sure Charlie comes out triumphant.

What was Frank's reasoning in terms of logical appeal? 10 Points

Frank argues from authority. In his monologue he states, "Do you know who you are talking to?" and then he continues on as mentioned in one of the above questions to state all he has seen and done. He establishes dominance and then states his opinion. Parallel reasoning is also used as he compares Charlie’s noble decision to stay and face the consequences to his friend’s decisions to run. He parallels the two different types of people by contrasting their different belief systems.

How did Frank's paralinguistic impact his expression and the meaning of his words? Please specific examples – three will do. 25 Points

Frank was very powerful in his presentation of his speech for many reasons. I will list the three that affected me the most below.
1. Frank uses questions to make his point. For example, "and what are you doing? You are going to reward George and destroy Charlie." Questions like these make very strong points and accuse the judge of being wrong in a subtle, yet more effective way.
2. Frank uses a lot of symbolism and analogies. An example of this is when he refers to the boys and "Minos". This creates good imagery and helps the viewers to better understand the weight of the situation. He does such with pauses in his speech that add to the effectiveness of his statements by giving the viewer time to process.

3. Often times at the end of Franks sentences he raises his voice or draws out the word longer than it needs to be, this adds emphasis to the points he is making.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Out Line

Gap Years in America

Specific Purpose:
Better understanding of one’s self
Gain life experience, direction and maturity

Thesis Statement: If gap years where more widely accepted in America then young adults would be more sucessful and happy in their life choices as they would be more educated when picking a career and degree, as well as do better in school because they have passion. Students would learn confidence and adaptation and lastly they would learn helpful knowledge about themselves, knowing what is important in life far before most do.

I. Introduction

A. Attention-Getting Step:(stories from blog)

B. Tie to Audience:

What is a gap year?

Travel, work, take extra classes in the arts, service

(they would get it right the first time! took 6 years of switching majors)

C. Credibility Material:

American Gap Association 294% increase of interest since 2010

Show charts.

D. Thesis & Preview: (The preview includes your three platforms)

If gap years where more widely accepted in America then young adults would be more sucessful and happy in their life choices as they would be more educated when picking a career and degree as well as do better in school because they have passion

They would learn confidence and adaptation

Lastly they would learn helpful knowledge about themselves, knowing what is important in life far before most do.

(Transition into Body of Speech)

II. Body

A. Main Point #1 -- Need

(students are spending to much time and money on college)
You will realize your passions BEFORE you start college.

You will be able to better pick a degree.

You will be more passonate about that degree.

1.(Statement of Need for Action)

More programs supporting gap year in America need to be implemented

a.(Description of Problem)

Young adults are feeling burned out and starting college with out life experience and before they know what they want to do with their lives. Students need to be able to feel like they can choose and create their own lives and have the knowledge and life experience to do so.

b.(Signs, Symptoms, Effects of Problem)

Burn out comes from the high stress and competition in high school transitioning to college. In our society the norm is after hs you go straight to college but this has students starting college with out a desired major. The end result of this is frusteration and money spent on a degree that possibly wont serve them well.

c.(Example, Narrative, or Testimony)
When I first started college I was going into integrated studies and to be honest I dont even remember in what....because I didnt know who I was. I switched majors three times. I spent two extra years at college. I had a mid life crisis and quit...leaving my scholarship behind. I could have had all my school paid for.


studies by the American Gap association have shown that 90% of studnets that take a gap year return to a university

Students are better able to pick a university based on their needs, and are graduating and even on time!

Students take ownership of their education and get more involved on campus.

3. (Who is Affected)

Of course, parents struggle with this idea. They raise their children to be confident and to make decisions on their own and have a rough time letting their children make the choice on their own explore themselves for fear they may never return. As mentioned before studies are showing that this is not the case.

(Transition into Main Point 2)

B. Main Point #2 (Present Solution that Satisfies Need)

1. (Description of Solution)
More and more associations and programs are being developed to help aid students in their persuits. More and more universities are allowing students to defer on behalf of a gap year (5% increase since last year)

The American Gap association for example, offers help on how to get grants, scholarship and tips for saving money to travel. Some programs are able to cover room and board, others are based on what the student can afford financially. Vary from being structured to loose.

a. (How Solution Satisfies Need)

This gives appropraite guidelines for students looking to have an adventure. Sometimes it can be scary to leave the country or travel, these organizations provide a plan.

b. (How Solution can be Implemented)

Enrolll in school before leaving so you know you have something solid to come back too

Plan out what you will be doing and where you will be traveling to (languages, enviroment, culture)

Decide on a form of payment, grants, scholarships, work first.

. Main Point #3 (Visualize Results)

1. Students will return with a renewed sense of detication to their lives!

2. Instead of burn out and indecision. Spend that extra money you will use switching majors and travel!

(Transition into Conclusion)

III. Conclusion

A. Summary:

B. Tie Back to Attention-Getting Step:

C. Call for Action:

I will end by saying tell me what you learned today. Tell me what you loved...that you will never forget. and if you cant think of anything. well then that realization is my point and its time for you to go.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


British Journalist, Johann Hari has spent a total of three years conducting research concerning the drug war. In this ted talk he points out that addiction is not what society thinks it is.
Reich’s cultural parables are used in the delivery of Johann Hari's speech especially the Benevolent Community. The idea of the benevolent community is that society comes together for a common good. This method involves self-sacrifice, connectivity and community pride. Hari uses this method when he describes the way drug addictions should be handled. He states that instead of threatening the human connection, society should really involve that person with connectivity and love more. This creates a non-threatening outlook on life. If the drug addict is able to make connections with society through friends, work and hobbies then they will no longer need to do drugs. This may be a hard request for some individuals with close family members or friends that are addicted, as they will most likely want to combat the situation with restriction, control and even anger. The idea is for the family members and friends to put those emotions and fears aside for the addict and embrace them with love instead. Hari uses both a cognitive effect and receives and affective consequence. He explains why this method works, while still addressing emotion.
One of the process premise used here is consistency. Hari argues that instead of making the social future of the addict’s unknown and threatened as "punishment" for their drug use, it would be more affective to create a consistent environment of love and support. Along with this comes attitudes. The typical attitude towards drug addicts is disgust. Hari pushes the idea that we need to change attitudes towards the drug war in order to win it by stating that the isolation drug addicts receive out of their piers pure disgust only worsens the deeper issue and feeds their addiction.